Coping with Panic Attacks

As you learn about coping with panic attacks, you can regain the power instead of feeling at the mercy of how you will react. The more you have panic attacks, the more you will trigger them out of the fear of them occurring. Understanding what your role is in it will help you to get a handle on things.

Accept the Situation

Denying that there is a problem won’t help you, so do all you can to accept it. Admitting that you do have higher than normal levels of anxiety will help you to get things in motion to reduce it. Admitting it to yourself shouldn’t mean that you have failed or that you aren’t as worthy as other people around you.

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By accepting the situation, you should realize that panic attacks could happen to anyone. Don’t keep it all bottled up inside and feel that you are alone. Sharing how you feel and what is going on with you is an immeasurable element of coping with panic attacks.

Make a Plan of Action

You may not be sure what options you have, so find out. There are many methods you can include in your plan of action. Coping with panic attacks can often be a trial and error situation. You may have to see how you respond to various ones before you know what to keep working with and what to move away from.

Strive to Stay Involved Socially

Part of successfully coping with panic attacks involves being able to stay involved socially. By doing so, you can feel less anxious about your surroundings. Of course you don’t want to dive right in and be the center of attention. Go to functions with a minimal amount of people.

Try to go with a group of people you are comfortable with. By doing so, you will be able to relax and to feel their support around you. If you start to feel uncomfortable at a social event, assess the situation. You may need to take some time for yourself. If it is the environment or the group of people then you may need to rethink where you spend your time.

Focus on Developing Strong Relationships

When you are coping with panic attacks, it is amazing how much comfort you will find in having people you trust around you. Instead of backing away from people, this is a time for you to turn to those you really trust. They can be there for you when you go to social events as a means of offering you support.

If you don’t get out much, find a way you can volunteer so you will look forward to getting out. For example, you can volunteer at a local school and spend some time around children. Many of them have huge budget cuts so they need all the help they can get. You may be able to volunteer your time to work with animals or the community.

Take an exercise class or sign up for a class that teaches you a new hobby. Find out what your local community center, college, and YMCA have to offer. You may decide you want to learn how to sew, how to dance, how to cook, or any other element. Find something you are passionate about where you can connect with people.

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